Youth Protection Policy

FNS Co., Ltd. (referred to as the "company") has established and is implementing youth protection policies to help youth grow into sound personalities. As the Company prevents youth from accessing harmful information, this youth protection policy informs you of what measures the Company is taking to protect youth.

1. Restrictions on youth access to harmful information and management measures

The company prepares and applies a separate authentication device to prevent youth from being exposed to harmful information on youth without any restrictions, and takes preventive measures so that youth users can safely use the service.

2. Training in charge of business personnel to protect youth from harmful information

The company educates service managers on juvenile protection related laws and sanctions standards, how to deal with harmful information, and how to report violations.

3. Consultation and grievance handling due to harmful information

The company has staffed experts to counsel on damages and handle grievances caused by harmful information for youths to prevent the spread of the damage.
Users can request damage counseling and grievances through telephone or e-mail by referring to the section "4. FANTOO Youth Protection Officer and Person in Charge of Affiliation, Name and Contact".

4. The affiliation, name and contact information of the youth protection officer and person in charge

We are doing our best to ensure that young people can safely use good information. The affiliation, name and contact information of the juvenile protection officer and person in charge are as follows.

  • Affiliation: FANTOO Support Team
  • Person in charge: Miri Shim
  • Contact:82-2-564-8588